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About being a delegate to the Indiana Democratic Convention:

The Indiana Democratic Party State Convention will be held on Saturday, July 13, 2024, at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. There, the party will choose nominees for attorney general and lieutenant governor, while also setting our party’s platform and other business.


If you are interested in being appointed as a delegate to the state convention, please email for more information. 

About being a delegate to the Democratic National Convention:

Per the Indiana Democratic Party, those applying to be delegates to the DNC must file with the Indiana Democratic Party between April 19 and May 20, 2024. National delegates will be selected by state convention delegates at the Indiana Democratic Party’s 2024 State Convention in 2024.


Democratic primary voters will elect State Convention Delegates during the 2024 Democratic primary or will be appointed.

The Indiana Democratic Party's Delegate Plan encourages new voters, and those from underrepresented groups to get involved in the delegate selection process. Voters of color, women, and youth make up large segments of the Democratic Party, and work by the State Party Affirmative Action Committee on the plan ensures that these groups will be in Chicago representing Indiana.

Indiana will have 76 total delegates, and 6 at-large alternates, to the convention. 44 of these delegates will be allocated via each of Indiana’s nine congressional districts. The district-level delegates will then meet at the state convention to select the nine Party Leader/Elected Official (PLEO) delegates, 14 at-large delegates, and six alternate at-large delegates.

The 7th Congressional District (Marion County) will have 6 delegates representing us.  To find out which precinct and which of the 6 seats you are eligible to seek, based on where you reside in the county, see the information below and click here for a precinct breakdown


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